Custom Marquise Engagement Ring
Emily Sole Jewelry | Houston Jeweler
What a fun engagement ring this was to make! Brad and I met a few months ago during an initial engagement ring consultation. He is an engineer and very artistic! He sent me a few sketches that he made before we met. How special that he is so talented and contribute to the process in such a unique way? Brad needed a center diamond so I sourced a few different shapes and sizes of diamonds for him to look at. Emily (his now fiancee!) had mentioned to him that she might want either an oval or marquise shape diamond, so we looked at both. This is one of my favorite parts of the process ~ I love educating my clients! After looking at many diamonds together, Brad and Emily chose this gorgeous D color marquise shape diamond.
Once her center stone was chosen we were able to design the setting. She knew that she wanted to incorporate sapphires in her setting so we drew a CAD so she could see what it would look like before making the ring. CAD (computer-aided design) software is used by architects, engineers, drafters, artists, and others to create precision drawings or technical illustrations. CADs really help my clients envision what their final piece of jewelry will look like before the physical jewelry is even produced. We made a couple of changes to the CAD along the way but Brad & Emily knew what they wanted. They added small sapphires in the gallery of the setting and beautiful baguettes down the shank. This was such a fun project!
CADs of the ring to help Brad and Emily see what the final product would look like
Their design came to fruition once they saw the wax of her new setting. All the fine details (scale, height, width etc) that I work on had come together!
Emily’s ring was ready to pick up just in time for her birthday. Brad came in and I was stunned to see that he made his OWN wooden ring box! In nearly 20 years in this business this was a first for me. What a treat! I love my engagement ring clients!!
Wooden box that Brad made just for Emily’s ring
If you’d like to get started on your own custom engagement ring, please send me an email to get started!